Friday, September 27, 2013

Comic Strips

Third Blog (Twitter Emergency)

Millions of people are now on the social media website Twitter. This booming website is used for people to update their friends and family on what is going on in their life. However the site just added a new feature that can change how Twitter is used for many. Twitter Alerts is a new service offered that allows Government agencies to send emergency notifications to users that sign up for the service. The feature is aimed to be used to inform people of natural disasters and crisis. The inspiration for this was the ability that Twitter had to inform millions of people about the Boston bombings and Hurricane Sandy. Understandably anyone would question the need for this service saying why couldn't they just turn on the news. And that is exactly why this service will be so helpful because it will be for people who can't just turn on the news as they are out and just have their phones with them. It makes for a safer spread of instructions during tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. This way people will be able to take cover and take the necessary steps to stay safe before it is too late. The reason this is related to social justice is that for this case digital media is being positively used for social justice in informing citizens of emergency situations. This also shows the entanglement that social media is having in our lives. The fact that it was at first thought of as a fun way to keep in touch with friends and is now being viewed as a resource to for safety. It is just interesting how much the world is changing, so long amber alerts, welcome Twitter Alerts.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Second Blog (Last Straw for the Browns)

This past week Cleveland sports fans received some of the most depressing news that they have in quite some while. The Cleveland Browns decided to trade away Trent Richardson who was the only elite player our offense has seen in years. The trade happened after he only played 17 games for the football club and his rookie season stats were resembled that of Jim Brown who is regarded as the best running back of all-time. This display of ignorance by the Browns was the last straw for many fans and they took to social media to display their disgust of the decision. Twitter and Facebook were flooded with rants and complaints from fans of all ages. Even youtube was receiving hits of videos of analysts and reporters dialing in their two cents about the preposterous trade. This shows how social media gives people a voice to air out their opinions and let the world know how  they feel. The reports were receiving attention from the organization and in that the Browns attempted to clear the air about their intentions. This still didn't sit well with fans as many have declared their love for the Browns to be terminated with this decision. The social media aspect of this though helped spread the hate in this situation. When fans saw other fans voicing their opinions and disgust it inspired them to do the same. This is what resulted in the avalanche of news about the deal that happened. Without the social media, uninformed fans could have been indifferent about the topic. But because they could see experts claiming that it was a bad trade it influenced them to believe that it was  too. This happens often with news and social media and biased reports often help influence people because it is what the common person sees daily.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

What is technology? Class discussion

For our class discussion, I would like t ask the class a few things that I took from the reading and am curious about:

1. What is the criteria for an object to be considered technology in your opinion?

2. Is technology today considered mostly electronics? Does this give our country advantages over other countries without these forms of technology?

3. How do you see technology advancing in the future? Is there a limit that will halt the advancement of it?

4. What is the most important piece of technology you use daily?

5. How would you define technology?

Friday, September 6, 2013

1. Foster King, Solon OH

2. Foster

4. I play on the soccer team here at JCU and I am from around Cleveland so I really like the area and will always support Cleveland sports.

5. I really have to be interested in the topic or class to be fully enthused with the content but other than that I am comfortable talking in front of the class and sharing my ideas.

6. I believe that the internet was the most important technological invention because it allowed for the spread of news and ideas across the world faster than ever before. Anything you need to know can be found with the click of a button.

7. My iPhone, laptop, TV, lights, razor, car

8. 1. I am pretty comfortable with computers and plan on majoring in computer science, I pretty much just use my laptop for web surfing and writing papers though.
    2. I am not very familiar with digital media and don't have any experience working with it.
    3. I am very familiar with social media as I have a Twitter and Facebook and most of my friends have Instagrams. This is my first time having a blog though.

9. How did you become interested in technology? How is technology going to be related to social justice?