1. Foster King, Solon OH
2. Foster
4. I play on the soccer team here at JCU and I am from around Cleveland so I really like the area and will always support Cleveland sports.
5. I really have to be interested in the topic or class to be fully enthused with the content but other than that I am comfortable talking in front of the class and sharing my ideas.
6. I believe that the internet was the most important technological invention because it allowed for the spread of news and ideas across the world faster than ever before. Anything you need to know can be found with the click of a button.
7. My iPhone, laptop, TV, lights, razor, car
8. 1. I am pretty comfortable with computers and plan on majoring in computer science, I pretty much just use my laptop for web surfing and writing papers though.
2. I am not very familiar with digital media and don't have any experience working with it.
3. I am very familiar with social media as I have a Twitter and Facebook and most of my friends have Instagrams. This is my first time having a blog though.
9. How did you become interested in technology? How is technology going to be related to social justice?
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